Data set about the annual monitoring of the effect of herbivorism on the conservation status of endangered species Androcymbium europaeum. Since 2010, the SERPAM Department (Evaluation, Restoration and Protection of Mediterranean Agrosystems Service) of the Zaidin Experimental Station belonging to Spanish National Research Council (CSIC-EEZ), has been carrying out annual sampling to evaluate the effect of domestic and wild livestock (eg. rabbits) on the pastures inhabited by Androcymbium europaeum. A randomized block design with three treatments (type of management: rabbit and domestic herbivorism; only excluded to livestock; and excluded to rabbit and livestock) was performed. In each treatment, two types of monitoring were carried out: abundance estimation of A. europaeum by counting individuals on 50 x 50 cm squares; and plant species diversity in 2-m long transects using the modified Point-Quadrat method. This study was carried out in the "Rambla de las Amoladeras" (Almería) within the Cabo de Gata-Níjar protected area (southern Spain). The dataset describes information from 2010 to 2022. Monitoring is performed annually.
Los datos en este recurso de evento de muestreo han sido publicados como Archivo Darwin Core(DwC-A), el cual es un formato estándar para compartir datos de biodiversidad como un conjunto de una o más tablas de datos. La tabla de datos del core contiene 1.583 registros.
también existen 2 tablas de datos de extensiones. Un registro en una extensión provee información adicional sobre un registro en el core. El número de registros en cada tabla de datos de la extensión se ilustra a continuación.
Este IPT archiva los datos y, por lo tanto, sirve como repositorio de datos. Los datos y los metadatos del recurso están disponibles para su descarga en la sección descargas. La tabla versiones enumera otras versiones del recurso que se han puesto a disposición del público y permite seguir los cambios realizados en el recurso a lo largo del tiempo.
La siguiente tabla muestra sólo las versiones publicadas del recurso que son de acceso público.
¿Cómo referenciar?
Los usuarios deben citar este trabajo de la siguiente manera:
Pérez-Luque AJ, Ramos Font ME, Tognetti-Barbieri, MJ, Montoya Roman C, Tribaldos Anda C, Robles Cruz AB (2023). Monitoring data on the effect of domestic livestock and rabbits on Androcymbium europaeum pastures. Version 1.0. Estación Experimental del Zaidín (CSIC). Samplingevent dataset.
Los usuarios deben respetar los siguientes derechos de uso:
El publicador y propietario de los derechos de este trabajo es Estación Experimental del Zaidín (CSIC). Esta obra está bajo una licencia Creative Commons de Atribución/Reconocimiento-NoComercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0).
Registro GBIF
Este recurso ha sido registrado en GBIF con el siguiente UUID: 340aff40-1745-4d49-bf2a-adb2899bc428. Estación Experimental del Zaidín (CSIC) publica este recurso y está registrado en GBIF como un publicador de datos avalado por GBIF Spain.
Palabras clave
Samplingevent; Occurrence; abundance; herbivory; species richness; grasslands; Endangered plant species; species diversity
- Autor
- Proveedor De Los Metadatos ●
- Autor ●
- Originador ●
- Punto De Contacto
- Proveedor De Contenido ●
- Originador ●
- Punto De Contacto
- Proveedor De Contenido ●
- Originador ●
- Punto De Contacto
- Proveedor De Contenido ●
- Originador
- Proveedor De Los Metadatos ●
- Originador ●
- Punto De Contacto ●
- Investigador Principal
- Autor
Cobertura geográfica
The study area belongs to the Integral Reserve of Las Marinas-Amoladeras,the main steppe zone of the Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park located in Almería (southeast Spain). This area is considered hunting refuge and zoological station. The soils are limestone, poor and poorly developed (Guirado et al., 2001). Biogeographically, it belongs to the Murcian-Almerian chorological province, Almeria sector, thermo-Mediterranean semiarid-arid belt. The annual precipitation is 200 mm with strong intra- and interannual variation and the mean annual temperature is 19 ºC. The potential vegetation of the area consists of Ziziphus lotus thornscrub, but at present, shrubs of the Helianthemo-Siderition pusillae alliance dominate, reflecting the former grazing-pastoral activity, now abandoned and of which only ocassional pastoral use with sheep remains, together with current hunting activity.
Coordenadas límite | Latitud Mínima Longitud Mínima [-90, -180], Latitud Máxima Longitud Máxima [90, 180] |
Cobertura taxonómica
There are 98 taxa included in the dataset. The 5 most represented taxa in the dataset are: Androcymbium europaeum (Lange) K.Richt. (34.74%), Stipa capensis Thunb. (11.09%), Gynandriris sisyrinchium (L.) Parl. (5.64%), Filago pyramidata L. (3.51%) and Erodium chium (Burm.fil.) Willd. (2.37%). A total of 72 genus are included in the dataset, being the 5 most represented: Androcymbium (34.74%), Stipa (11.09%), Gynandriris (5.64%), Helianthemum (4.28%) and Filago (3.83%). There are 2 classes represented in the dataset: Liliopsida (57.14%) and Magnoliopsida (42.86%). A total of 21 order represented in the dataset being the 5 most represented: Liliales (34.74%), Poales (14.23%), Asterales (11.2%), Asparagales (8.14%) and Fabales (4.97%). There are 31 family included in the dataset. The 5 family most represented in the dataset are: Colchicaceae (34.74%), Poaceae (14.23%), Asteraceae (11.2%), Iridaceae (5.64%) and Fabaceae (4.87%).
Cobertura temporal
Fecha Inicial / Fecha Final | 2010-03-23 / 2023-04-11 |
Datos del proyecto
No hay descripción disponible
Título | Ganadería Extensiva y Biodiversidad |
Identificador | LIFEWATCH-2019-09-CSIC-4, POPE 2014-2020 |
Fuentes de Financiación | These data have been generated thanks to the funding of different projects, although the first samplings and the installation of the exclusion plots were funded by the Consejería de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía through the "Ganadería Extensiva y Biodiversidad" project from 2008 to 2014. From this date on it was financed through the CSIC intramural projects "Investigaciones sobre flora forrajera bética: prospección de especies, protocolo para su establecimiento en campo y valoración nutritiva" and "Pastoralismo y Medioambiente". From 2021 onwards, funding for monitoring came from the SUMHAL project (LIFEWATCH-2019-09-CSIC-13, POPE 2014-2020). |
Descripción del área de estudio | The study area belongs to the Integral Reserve of Las Marinas-Amoladeras,the main steppe zone of the Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park) located in Almería (southern Spain). This area is considered hunting refuge and zoological station. The soils are limestone, poor and poorly developed (Guirado et al., 2001). Biogeographically, it belongs to the Murcian-Almerian chorological province, Almeria sector, thermo-Mediterranean semiarid-arid belt. The annual precipitation is 200 mm with strong intra- and interannual variation and the mean annual temperature is 19 ºC. The potential vegetation of the area consists of Ziziphus lotus thornscrub, but at present, shrubs of the Helianthemo-Siderition pusillae alliance together with Eryngio ilicifoli-Plantaginetum ovatae and Androcymbio -Tillaetum muscosae alliances dominate, reflecting the former grazing-pastoral activity, now almost abandoned and of which only ocassional pastoral use with sheep remains, together with hunting abandoned and of which only p astoral use with sheep remains, together with hunting activity. |
Descripción del diseño | To evaluate the effect of sheep and rabbits on the population of A. europaeum and its plant communities, 18 plots of 2.5 m x 2.5 m were installed in the study area. A randomized block design was followed, and consisted of 6 blocks separated between 300 and 400 m, with three different treatments or management types (one plot by treatment and block): 1) with herbivory by sheep and rabbits (G+C+), 2) excluding only sheep (G-C+) (fenced with hunting netting) and 3) excluding rabbits and sheep (G-C-) (fenced with rhomboidal netting of 4 cm of light). The density of A. europaeum in each plot and year was evaluated by counting the number of individuals in 50 cm x 50 cm fix squares, taking four squares per plot, distributed according to the four cardinal points (N, S, E and W): 24 squares per treatment (six blocks by four squares). The exclusion plots were installed in May 2010, after the first density sampling (March), thus this year should be considered as year zero, without exclusion treatments. |
Personas asociadas al proyecto:
- Investigador Principal
- Proveedor De Contenido
- Proveedor De Contenido
- Investigador Principal
Métodos de muestreo
To evaluate the effect of sheep and rabbits on the population of A. europaeum and its plant communities diversity, 18 plots of 2.5 m x 2.5 m were installed in the study area. A randomized block design was followed, which consisted of 6 blocks separated between 300 and 400 m, with three different treatments or management types (one plot by treatment and block): 1) with herbivory by sheep and rabbits (G+C+), 2) excluding only sheep (G-C+) (fenced with hunting netting) and 3) excluding rabbits and sheep (G-C-) (fenced with rhomboidal netting of 4 cm of light). Two types of assessment were carried out: density of A. europaeum, and plant community evaluation.
Área de Estudio | The study area belongs to the Integral Reserve of Las Marinas-Amoladeras,the main steppe zone of the Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park) located in Almería (southeast Spain). This area is considered hunting refuge and zoological station. The soils are limestone, poor and poorly developed (Guirado et al., 2001). Biogeographically, it belongs to the Murcian-Almerian chorological province, Almeria sector, thermo-Mediterranean semiarid-arid belt. The annual precipitation is 200 mm with strong intra- and interannual variation and the mean annual temperature is 19 ºC. The potential vegetation of the area consists of Ziziphus lotus thornscrub, but at present, shrubs of the Helianthemo-Siderition pusillae alliance dominate, reflecting the former grazing-pastoral activity, now abandoned and of which only pastoral use with sheep remains, together with hunting activity. |
Control de Calidad | For the abundance count, and to reduce possible bias among observers, criteria for the correct identification of individuals were established and practiced prior to sampling for each field campaign. In general, the results obtained from the beginning were quite coincident and without inter-observer bias. Each year, sampling was carried out by 2-4 observers, with at least one of them present in all the samplings. Plants for almost all species found where sampled and determined at lab. Data where carefully implemented in a database and cross-check validations were carried out. |
Descripción de la metodología paso a paso:
- The abundance of A. europaeum in each plot was yearly evaluated by counting the number of individuals in 50 cm x 50 cm fix squares, taking four squares per plot, distributed according to the four cardinal points (N, S, E and W): 24 squares per treatment (six blocks by four squares). The exclusion plots were installed in May 2010, after the first density and biodiversity samplings (March and April), thus this year should be considered as year zero, without exclusion treatments.
- The evaluation of the plant communities where A. europaeum lives was carried out yearly in spring, to ensure that most annual species had grow and flowered to allow a correct identification. Two fix cross transects (2 m length) were established in each plot, and using the point-intercept method (Elzinga et al. 1998), 50 points per transect were censused. The points were separated by 4 cm, and in each one of them the contacting species with a needle of 2 mm section are noted. For each transect the following variables were determined: - specific vegetation cover: percentage of soil covered by each plant species - plant species richness: number of species - diversity index (H'): Shannon index H' = - Σ pi · Ln pi - vegetation cover: percentage of soil covered by vegetation - total specific cover: sum of the specific vegetation cover of each species - musk/lichen cover: percentage of soil covered by musk or lichen - bare soil cover: percentage of bare soil
Datos de la colección
Nombre de la Colección | Bases de datos de seguimiento de sistemas silvopastorales mediterráneos |
Referencias bibliográficas
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- BLANCA G., CABEZUDO B., HERNÁNDEZ-BERMEJO J.E., HERRERA C.M., MOLERO J., MUÑOZ J. Y VALDÉS B. (1999) Libro Rojo de la Flora Silvestre Amenazada de Andalucía. Especies en peligro de Extinción. Tomo I. Sevilla, España: Consejería de Medio Ambiente. Junta de Andalucía.
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- ROBLES A.B., BARROSO F.G., GONZÁLEZ A., BOZA J. y GONZÁLEZ-REBOLLAR J.L. (2002) Propuesta metodológica para el diagnóstico del estado de los pastos en el Parque Natural de Cabo de Gata Níjar. En: Chocarro C. et al. (Eds) Producción de Pastos, Forrajes y Céspedes, pp 573-578. Lleida, España: Universitat de Lleida.
- ROBLES A.B., RAMOS M.E. Y GONZÁLEZ-REBOLLAR J.L. (2013) Efecto del herbivorismo en la conservación de la especie amenazada Androcymbium gramineum (Cav.) McBridec. En: Busqué J. et al. (Eds) Pastos y PAC 2014-2020, pp 33-40. Potes, Cantabria, España: Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos.
- TALAVERA S., ANDRÉS C., ARISTA M., FERNÁNDEZ PIEDRA M.P., RICO E., CRESPO M.B., QUINTANAR A., HERRERO A. Y AEDO C. (Eds) (2013) Liliaceae-Agavaceae. Flora iberica 20. Madrid, España: Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC.
- GUIRADO j., NAVARRO M., FERNÁNDEZ-PALACIOS J. (2001) El Parque Natural Marítimo-Terrestre de Cabo de Gata-Níjar. Un espacio excepcional. PH Boletín 37 (Especial Monográfico: Institutos de Patrimonio), 181-188.
- ELZINGA, C. L., SALZER, D. W. (1998). Measuring & monitoring plant populations. US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management.
- Robles A. B., Cabeza FM, Ramos-Font, ME, & González-Rebollar, J L (2014). Effect of herbivorism on the conservation of the endangered species Androcymbium europaeum (Lange) K. Richt. Pastos, 44(2), 44-55
Metadatos adicionales
Identificadores alternativos | 10.15470/jpjhuu |
340aff40-1745-4d49-bf2a-adb2899bc428 | | |